Source code for easyjwt.errors

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    Error class definitions.

from typing import Iterable
from typing import Optional
from typing import Set

# region Base Error

[docs]class EasyJWTError(Exception): """ A base class for all errors raised by :class:`EasyJWT`. """ def __init__(self, message: str) -> None: """ :param message: A user-readable description of this error. """ self._message = message def __str__(self) -> str: """ Get a user-readable description of the error. :return: A string describing the error. """ return self._message
[docs]class IncompatibleKeyError(EasyJWTError): """ Raised if the creation or verification of a token fails because the given key is incompatible with the used algorithm. """ pass
# endregion # region Creation Errors
[docs]class CreationError(EasyJWTError): """ A base class for all errors raised during the creation of a token. """ pass
[docs]class MissingRequiredClaimsError(CreationError): """ Raised if the creation of a token fails because non-optional claims are empty. """ missing_claims: Set[str] """ A set of the names of claims that are expected but missing in the claim set. """ def __init__(self, missing_claims: Iterable[str]) -> None: """ :param missing_claims: The names of claims that are required but empty. """ self.missing_claims = set(missing_claims) # Do not use the newly created set here. If e.g. a list has been passed the order should be preserved. missing = '{' + ', '.join(missing_claims) + '}' super().__init__(f'Required empty claims: {missing}')
# endregion # region Verification Errors
[docs]class VerificationError(EasyJWTError): """ A base class for all errors raised during the verification of a token. """ pass
[docs]class ExpiredTokenError(VerificationError): """ Raised if the verification of a token fails because the included expiration date has passed. """ def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__('Token has expired')
[docs]class ImmatureTokenError(VerificationError): """ Raised if the verification of a token fails because the included not-before date has not yet been reached. """ def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__('Token is not yet valid')
[docs]class InvalidAudienceError(VerificationError): """ Raised if the verification of a token fails because the audience with which the application tries to verify a token is not included in the token's audience claim, or the audience given in the verify method is not a string, an iterable, or None. """ def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__('Invalid audience')
[docs]class InvalidClaimSetError(VerificationError): """ Raised if the verification of a token fails because the claim set is invalid due to missing or unexpected claims. """ missing_claims: Set[str] """ A set of the names of claims that are expected but missing in the claim set. If no missing claims are given, this will be an empty set. """ unexpected_claims: Set[str] """ A set of the names of claims that are given in the claim set but are not specified in the class. If no unexpected claims are given, this will be an empty set. """ def __init__(self, missing_claims: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, unexpected_claims: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None ) -> None: """ :param missing_claims: The names of claims that are expected but missing in the claim set. :param unexpected_claims: The names of claims that are given in the claim set but are not specified in the class. """ # Create a string representation of the given claims. For this, the parameters must not be None. # Do not create a set of the claims yet as that could alter the order in which the claims will be printed. missing_claims = missing_claims if missing_claims is not None else set() unexpected_claims = unexpected_claims if unexpected_claims is not None else set() missing = '{' + ', '.join(missing_claims) + '}' unexpected = '{' + ', '.join(unexpected_claims) + '}' # Save the given claims as sets. self.missing_claims = set(missing_claims) self.unexpected_claims = set(unexpected_claims) # Set the message. super().__init__(f'Missing claims: {missing}. Unexpected claims: {unexpected}')
[docs]class InvalidClassError(VerificationError): """ Raised if the verification of a token fails because the :class:`EasyJWT` class with which it has been created is not the one with which it is being verified. """ actual_class: str """ The name of the class with which the token has been created. """ expected_class: str """ The name of the class with which the token has been verified. """ def __init__(self, expected_class: str, actual_class: str) -> None: """ :param expected_class: The class with which the token is being verified. :param actual_class: The class with which the token has been created. """ self.actual_class = actual_class self.expected_class = expected_class super().__init__(f'Expected class {expected_class}. Got class {actual_class}')
[docs]class InvalidIssuedAtError(VerificationError): """ Raised if the verification of a token fails because the issued-at date specified in a token is not an integer. """ def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__('Invalid issued-at date')
[docs]class InvalidIssuerError(VerificationError): """ Raised if the verification of a token fails because the given issuer is not the issuer of the token. """ def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__('Invalid issuer')
[docs]class InvalidSignatureError(VerificationError): """ Raised if the verification of a token fails because the token's signature does not validate the token's content. """ def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__('Invalid signature')
[docs]class UnspecifiedClassError(VerificationError): """ Raised if the verification of a token fails because the :class:`EasyJWT` class with which it has been created is not specified in the claim set. """ def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__('Missing class specification')
[docs]class UnsupportedAlgorithmError(VerificationError): """ Raised if the verification of a token fails because the algorithm used for encoding the token is not supported. """ def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__('Algorithm used for encoding the token is not supported')
# endregion